Show off your Aussie pride and artistic skill

Help us celebrate ‘who and what makes Australia great’ by encouraging your child or grandchild to enter the 2024 Celebrate Australia Primary School Art Competition.
To enter, students must draw, paint, or collage an aspect of Australia they believe is iconic, on an A4 sized sheet of paper. Entries can be submitted through their school or with a completed entry form, available from the Gladstone Regional Art Gallery & Museum (GRAGM) website or reception.
There are two sections of entry: Section One: Prep - Year 2 and Section Two: Year 3 - Year 6.
Entries close at 2pm on Saturday, 9 December 2023, and must be delivered to GRAGM, corner Goondoon & Bramston Streets, Gladstone. Entry terms and conditions are listed on the entry form.
Gladstone Region Councillor Chris Cameron said winners will be announced at Council’s free Australia Day Family Fun Day on 26 January 2024.
“Following this, prize winners will have their piece exhibited at GRAGM, while selected entries will tour various libraries across the region during 2024,” Councillor Cameron said.
“Initiated in 2006 and first presented in 2007, the Celebrate Australia Primary School Art Competition continues to grow from strength to strength and it’s great to see so many students show off their Aussie pride and artistic skill.”
Visit www.gragm.qld.gov.au/programs-events for more information.
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